[RPG] How does the Magic Staff (from the Handbook) work


The Magic Staff in the Weapons and Equipment chapter of the 4e handbook sounds like something I'd want as a Lv. 6 Wizard, but I'm unclear as to how exactly it's bonuses are applied and what to. Here's the info in the book:

Magic Staff Level 1+

A basic staff, enchanted to channel arcane energy.
Lvl 6, +2, 1,800 gp
Implement (Staff)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus

My questions are: does this apply to the atk roll as a +2 to hit and does it also add +2 damage (it sounds like it does). Also, does the bonus apply to all attacks, only melee attacks, or only certain types of attack spells?

Could someone give me an example of how I can apply the bonus? (They Intellegence score for my character is 21, so my INT. Modifier is +5)

I'm still fairly new to d&d and want to make sure I'm playing out my attacks correctly. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Some basic math, but first a rule

From compendium:

Staff (implement)

A staff is a shaft, usually of wood, that is typically as tall as or slightly taller than its wielder. Staffs are sometimes crowned with decorative crystals or other symbols of magical power. This implement also counts as a quarterstaff. Even a creature who doesn’t have proficiency with the staff as an implement can use it as a weapon, but if the staff is magical, the creature cannot use its properties or powers, only its enhancement bonus and critical hit effect.

Staffs (and other implements that are weapons) can apply their enhancement bonuses to regular weapon attacks made through the weapon (but powers and properties tend to be tied to implement attack powers.)

Thus you get the +2 to hit and +2 to damage on both implement attacks and weapon attacks made with the Magic Staff +2.

Math example: Implement attacks using your Int would be Int Mod + half level + enhancement bonus. Damage-wise its usually Mod Dam + feat + enhancement. Assuming you are level 6: 5+3+2+? = your bonus to hit. Assuming you have no feats (like expertise feats or damage focus feats) thats a +10 to hit and a +7 to damage.

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