[RPG] How does the telepathy supernatural ability work


According to the MM books, telepathy is described as:

A creature with this ability (supernatural) can communicate telepathically with any other creature within a certain range (specified in the creature's entry, usually 100 feet) that has a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.
Source: MM, MM3

My questions:

  • If a creature with telepathy knows that someone is within 100ft, can
    the creature communicate with that person, even if there is no line
    of effect or sight?

    My answer would be yes, because no book says that telepathy is
    blocked by walls, etc.

  • Normally, a supernatural ability is a standard action to start. If the
    creature wanted to communicate for more than one round using
    telepathy, does the creature need to use up a standard action every
    round they are communicating or only in the first round?

    My answer is only in the first round, since the description says that
    maintaining telepathy is hard as speaking and listening normally.

  • If a person the creature is communicating with moves out of the 100ft
    range, and then moves back into the range. Does the telepathic link
    need to be established again?

    My answer is yes, another standard action is needed to establish the
    telepathy between the two creatures.

I should add the telepathy is supernatural, and a character is looking at getting it from the Mindbender class (from Complete Arcane). And also get the Mindsight feat (Lords of Madness). I couldn't find anywhere to rule whether a supernatural ability should take a standard action every round it is on.

Best Answer

I treat telepathy just like speaking; it doesn't require an action to establish a link or whatnot. I could see requiring one if you want to start telepathically 'talking' to someone you can't see to represent the "mentally searching them out" part, and similarly if they go beyond 100' and then come back the telepath doesn't have any way except for normal sight or keeping trying to reach out telepathically to know that.

In general I agree with @PeterSeckler, interpret it whatever cool way you want and if PCs are finding some way to abuse it, toss in some limiters. I know a group would love a "can't be overheard and can work through walls" tactical coordination tool, but a little bit of "the rogue got dragged out of range/fell through a long pit trap" and "a psionic monster that can overhear telepathy just heard all your plans" from time to time compensates.