[RPG] How exactly does Word of Recall work


Word of Recall states:

Word of recall teleports you instantly back to your sanctuary when the word is uttered. You must designate the sanctuary when you prepare the spell, and it must be a very familiar place.

How exactly is the sanctuary designated? Can I designate the sanctuary whenever I prepare the spell (potentially a new location every day)? Having gained a level (and the ability to cast it) while in this dungeon, can I designate a sanctuary outside and port out, only to port back in the next day (since I am familiar with where I just left)?

I feel like this is basically the same as teleport, only without the chance of failure and requiring more familiarity in destination.

Best Answer

It's pretty much just like you said

Except more familiarity in this case means being very familiar, an actual game term defined in the description of the spell teleport, which says that

“Very familiar” is a place where you have been very often and where you feel at home.

Emphasis mine. So go ahead and pick anywhere that's very familiar. But it's perfectly reasonable for the GM to bar you from preparing the spell word of recall to transport you back to, for example, that prison cell in the evil overlord's dungeon or that brothel where you spent the night a couple of times. (You know, unless you actually felt at home in either place.)

Also note that word of recall is a higher-level spell than the spell teleport, so the spell's allowed to be pretty good.