Dungeons & Dragons Editions – How Many Are There?


How many editions of Dungeons & Dragons are there?

Best Answer

As a generic answer for the non-hardcore fan, I think most people would define the following:

  • OD&D (aka D&D 0e) including the original Brown Box and White Box versions from 1974.
  • Classic (BECMI) D&D (including everything from BD&D in 1977 through the Rules Cyclopedia of 1991 and the Classic D&D Game starter set)
  • AD&D 1st Edition (core books released 1977-1979)
  • AD&D 2nd Edition (released 1989)
  • D&D 3rd Edition (2000)
  • D&D 3.5 Edition (revision of 3rd edition, released 2003)
  • D&D 4th Edition (2008, including D&D Essentials, as D&D 4th edition has been erratad to the point that Essentials is at now)
  • D&D 5th Edition (2014, aka D&D Next)

Certainly you could split it further (the various Mentzer/Moldvay differences, etc.) , but those are the major divides most gamers would likely note.

Of course, no edition of D&D survives contact with a gaming group intact; if there are 40,000 D&D sessions this weekend, there will be just about as many “versions” being played.