[RPG] How many hit dice does a Sidekick start with


In Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, the published Sidekick rules say (p. 142):

A sidekick can be any type of creature […], but the challenge rating
in its stat block must be 1/2 or lower. You take that stat block and
add to it, as explained in the "Gaining a Sidekick Class" section.

The referenced section also says, among other things:

The starting level of a sidekick is the same as the average level of
the group. […]

Whenever the group's average level goes up, the sidekick gains a
level. […]

Whenever the sidekick gains a level, it gains one Hit Die, and its hit
point maximum increases. To determine the amount of the increase, roll
the Hit Die (the type of die appears in the sidekick's stat block)

I assume "gaining a sidekick class" counts as "the sidekick gains a level" for the purpose of hit dice, and that isn't just talking about when the group levels up.
So does the creature start with the number of hit dice listed next to its hit points? Or does it have a pool of "free" hit points that don't come with hit dice?

For example, a kobold has "5 (2d6 − 2)" hit points listed in its stat block, and it doesn't mention "hit dice" as such. If a kobold becomes a sidekick to a 1st level party, does it start with a Hit Dice of 1d6 or 3d6?

It seems weird to have a sidekick starting out with 3 hit dice when it's only 1st level, but at the same time, a 1st-level sidekick kobold with 8 HP and only a 1d6 hit die also looks sort of odd.

Best Answer

A sidekick starts with as many Hit Dice as noted in its stat block.

The rules about applying a sidekick class to an NPC do not state anything about removing Hit Dice from a creature before applying the class, nor does it specify the starting Hit Points as every player class shows. Rather, a sidekick starts with the Hit Die/Dice appearing in the stat block.

Quoting the relevant parts from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (page 142), in the paragraph Creating a Sidekick:

A sidekick can be any type of creature with a stat block [...], but the challenge rating in its stat block must be 1/2 or lower. You take that stat block and add to it (emphasis mine), as explained in the "Gaining a Sidekick Class" section.

As an example, a 1st-level sidekick wolf would start with 2d8 Hit Dice. Similarly, a 1st-level black bear would start with 3d8 Hit Dice. In each case, those two sidekicks would gain an extra Hit Die (a d8) for each new sidekick class level.
The Monster Manual specifies that those dice are, in fact, Hit Dice at page 7, in the paragraph Hit Points:

A monster's hit points are presented both as a die expression and as an average number. [...] A monster's size determines the die used to calculate its hit points, as shown in the Hit Dice by Size table.

Monster Size Hit Die
Tiny d4
Small d6
Medium d8
Large d10
Huge d12
Gargantuan d20

A monster's Constitution modifier also affects the number of hit points it has. Its Constitution modifier is multiplied by the number of Hit Dice it possesses, and the result is added to its hit points.

Sidekicks classes are not player classes. Each player class specifies the starting Hit Die and Hit Points at first level, but the sidekick classes do neither. You just take the stat block and "add to it".

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