[RPG] How many powers do I get as a first level character in D&D 4E


I can't seem to figure out how many powers I get. Is it one of each type of the level I'm at? I'm starting at level one, so I get one at-will, one encounter, and one daily? The recommended builds seem to imply that I get two at-wills and one of the other two. And then the utility powers don't start till level 2.

Can anyone point me to what I need to read? I tried to find details in the Compendium's chapter on powers but had no luck.

Best Answer

It is 2 at-wills, 1 encounter, and 1 daily. Give me a minute and I'll locate the page number for you.

From PHB p 27: "At 1st Level, select 2 at-will attack powers... 1 encounter... 1 daily."

Edit: Rules compendium just points you to the Player's handbook.