[RPG] How Much Blood and Vitae Does a Vampire Contain


For the purpose of this question, I'm going to strictly stick to using "vitae" to mean vampiric blood, like a vampire has in its blood pool, and "blood" to mean ordinary human blood.

If a Ghoul character manages to capture a vampire NPC and decides to drain him of vitae, how much do they get?

I think it would be the amount of vitae in the vampire's blood pool, but I'm wondering if a vampire has extra vitae in its veins that can be extracted.

The reasoning is as follows – Ghouls apparently contain 10 blood and 2 vitae (for a ghoul with a typical blood pool) because they need their human blood to be alive but can store vitae as well (somehow). So do vampires contain extra blood and/or vitae to allow them to function?

Phrased another way:
Is there a minimum amount of blood or vitae in a vampire's veins simply to allow them to function? Or are they 'dry' inside (unless they've spent vitae to 'appear human')?

Best Answer

The rules as written all suggest that a ghoul could extract no more than the vitae a vampire had. As mentioned by Sardathrion's answer, vitae measures potency, not volume. Even if there was still physical blood in the vampire, a ghoul extract no more potency from it after the vitae was all extracted. On the other side, a vampire of low generation may hold far more vitae than a mortal could hold the equivalent amount of blood.

As LegendaryDude points out in a comment below this answer:

Another way of saying it is that if you take the same vampire (physical size and stature) and lower his generation (however you might, e.g., diablerie), the volume of blood remains the same (because his size and stature haven't changed). However, his blood has become much more potent. Blood pool on the character sheet, then, is not a measurement of actual blood, but of remaining "blood power."

Incidentally, while this question is not directly answered in plain terms, the concept of ghouls capturing vampires and using them as sources of vitae is discussed in "Ghould and Revenants" for V20. One of the bigger complications with it is the blood bond, unless there is something in place that would handle preventing that.

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