[RPG] How much damage will a creature take if it runs across lava while wearing a Ring of Water Walking


How much damage will a creature take if it runs across a stream of lava while wearing a Ring of Water Walking?

It wouldn't sink into the lava, and it would get completely across so it wouldn't end its turn on top of the lava.

Best Answer

Damage Bounds

On page 249 of the DMG, we have a section on Improvising Damage. On the chart are a few interesting things we can use to determine a damage amount.

For a lower bound we can use "stumbling into a fire pit" at 2d10. While yes, the creature didn't fall into the lava pool and only their feet are potentially directly exposed, lava is really hot (see below) and the proximity puts you at danger for second degree burns all over.

For our upper bound, we have a far more directly relevant 10d10 damage for "wading through lava". The creature isn't wading through lava here, they're walking across it, so it certainly wouldn't exceed 10d10.

My Ruling (feel free to disagree)

Depending on how active/fresh the lava is I would put it between 2d10 and 6d10 damage. I would default to the middle of that range at 4d10 but the choice is entirely the DM's.

Little bit of info about real-world lava and boots

Average liquification temperature of rocks is around 800-1200 degrees Celsius. Leather starts to burn around 200 degrees Celsius. Real life leather boots are going to melt really, really fast, even just being near the surface. Iron boots, with a melting point of 1538 degrees Celsius have a much better chance of survival, though they still are really good conductors of heat. The radiant heat is still going to hurt if they are even on the edge of the lava stream.

Additional clarification

Since people are questioning whether ring of water walking works on lava, it would entirely depend on if lava is liquid, see definition of the ring. OP appears to treat lava as liquid in their question, and the spell waterwalk "grants the ability to move across any liquid surface--such as water, acid, mud, snow, quicksand, or lava--as if it were harmless solid ground", so yes, in D&D 5e, lava is liquid, and per the Improvising Damage section (DMG249), you can wade through or be submerged in it, real world lava mechanics notwithstanding

Ring of water walking

While wearing this ring, you can stand on and move across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground

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