[RPG] How to add an ability to PCGen


I've just started playing around with PCGen and it's pretty great. Unfortunately, while it has support for a lot of source books, it doesn't support everything, to say nothing of various homebrew feats or traits. I'd like to add two or three of these into PCGen, rather than having to deal with manually copy/pasting text blocks onto the PDF every time I update the rest of the sheet.

Unfortunately, I cannot, for the life of me, find any documentation anywhere as to how to do this.

Is this just not something that's possible with PCGen? Or is there a way to do this that I am just too stupid to figure out?

(For what it's worth, and/or, if you're interested in providing an example, I'm trying to get the Pragmatic Activator Pathfinder trait added, to start with.)

Best Answer

Yes all of the above, plus the online documentation, which is marginally more up to date than the doc with the prog.

And there's some video's also. http://pcgen.org/get-help/videos/

Here's the full step by step answer

Step 1 In the PCGen data folder, create a folder labeled mystuff in the Pathfinder Homebrew folder, you structure will look like this \data\pathfinder\homebrew\mystuff

Step 2 Create a text file called "mystuff.pcc" in the step 1 folder

Step 3 Edit "mystuff.pcc" file with Notepad (or bbedit if mac) paste the following into it

SETTING:My Homebrew Campaign


Step 4 Create a text file called "my_abilities.lst" in the step 1 folder

Step 5 Edit "my_abilities.lst" file with Notepad (or bbedit if mac) paste the following into it

Pragmatic Activator
KEY:Pragmatic Activator ~ Trait
CATEGORY:Special Ability
PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Pragmatic Activator ~ Trait],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.MagicTrait]
DESC:While some figure out how to use magical devices with stubborn resolve, your approach is more pragmatic. You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier
BENEFIT:While some figure out how to use magical devices with stubborn resolve, your approach is more pragmatic. You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier
BONUS:SKILL|Use Magic Device|max(CHA,INT)-CHA

Step 6 Load PCGen, you should see a "My Stuff" source on the left. Load that and create your character.

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