dnd-5e – Adding Encounters in Lost Mine of Phandelver Without Excess XP


I'm currently reading the LMOP scenario. I was thinking about adding some encounters if the PCs want to explore the forest or other side-story zones that aren't considered in the book.

But actually I don't want them to earn too much XP from these, plus I've never DMed before so I'm not aware at all what XP quantities represent.

The reason I'm concerned with giving them XP is that:

What I've already thought about:

Within the scenario, each encounter is specifically awarded with XP, so I might only give XP for scripted encounters, but it might look a bit disappointing for players.

On the other hand, if I award them with the full XP given in the monster's stats blocks, it might end up with one of the problems I mentioned above.

Given prior experiences as a GM or player (especially with LMOP in particular), how can I give PCs XP for encounters that aren't scripted without changing too much of the scenario level expectation?

Best Answer

I'm going to challenge your premise a bit - why not drop XP-based levelling altogether and use milestone levelling instead? In my time as a DM and a player, I've found milestone has a few advantages:

  • Less resource management. Counting all your XP is a bit tedious.
  • Less DM work. You can tailor encounters that are fun and play to your party's strengths, and you don't need to come up with XP rewards for everything.
  • The party levels up when they need to. The DM decides when the party has gained enough experience to level up, which means the party doesn't have to go encounter-scumming to get those last few hundred XP needed to level up before they embark on the next adventure. Similarly the party won't get over-levelled by going out of their way to get XP!

If you still want to reward the players for completing the side-encounters you can reward them with items, clues or gold instead of XP.

In general, choosing where to place milestones is an art rather than a science. If I'm running a homebrewed adventure or a sandbox campaign, I will usually use my "gut feeling" to decide when PCs have done enough to merit a level up, or use major character goals to help decide. For published adventures I will look through the book to see what levels the writers had in mind for each chapter. As for LMOP in particular you should be able to award one level per chapter, which I've based on the following:

  • "allow them to advance their characters to 2nd level before continuing the adventure" p12 LMOP (end of Chapter 1)
  • "At some point during part 2, the characters are likely to advance to 3rd level" p26 LMOP (end of Chapter 2)
  • "This part of the adventure is designed for characters of at least 4th level" p42 LMOP (start of Chapter 4)
  • "By the end of the adventure, the characters should be 5th level." p51 (Conclusion of Chapter 4)