[RPG] How to balance encounters between NPCs


Right now, I’m planning a situation where faction “a” is going to fight faction “b” and the players pick a side, and the side which the players choose is fairly likely to win, in which they have to kill all creatures in the other faction. How do I make it so that faction a and faction b are around the same strength?

Example: in the current game I am thinking about making an encounter between 10-30 commoners and a lvl 2 fighter, vs 7 bandits and a bandit boss. The PCs are all lvl 1 charecters (wizard, cleric, and monk), and I would like whatever side they choose to have a fairly high chance of winning (say around 75%ish), would this happen, or would one side always win over the other regardless of what the PCs choose? If one side would always win, how could this encounter be changed in order to be more balanced?

Some clarification on the rules: so far into the campaign there is no homebrew, and the only optional rule we are using is a grid rule.

Best Answer

How to do large battles

Of course you could do it in detail, give everything a stat block and basically do just a large fight like there were 10-30 player characters... but in my experience that offers just a very long and tedious fight.

Instead for my games I figured out that the following works most fluently:

Every time a player character or important NPC is involved in an attack, roll it in detail. Do the rest narratively. Rather focus on your party and their closest surroundings. Everything else is just background noise.

The problem with doing the whole battle in detail is: Your NPC will do the most actions during the fight, hence get the most spotlight and that most often feels for players like an interactive cutscene with some DMPCs and less like they were the protagonists.

Here's an example from my home-brew system (but that's more a basic issue and works in every system):

My party was traveling with their NPC-Airship crew... about a dozen well armed redshirts and their captain (the only named NPC in that scenario). They ran into a horde of undead constructs and had a rather big fight. When we rolled for initiative I rolled once for the captain, once for the crew and once for the undead constructs. Whenever a construct attacked a player or the captain, or when the players or the captain attacked a construct we rolled like normal, but every action between crew and constructs were just narration. Crew members were slaughtered and constructs suffered some autodamage... just so much that the fight stayed gritty and exciting. If the fight was too hard, the crew "fought" a little better, if it was too easy another construct got involved with the players' actions.

It's quite easy to keep control and your players don't get bored. At least for me, that was the best solution for those situations.

For comparison another example from an earlier campaign (same party, same characters), when I didn't figure out large combats yet (that was in DnD 3.5e):

My party hunted a high level Mary Sue shapeshifter assassin. They were level 6-7 at that time, the assassin was level 13. They managed to collect a decent amount of money through the last quest and hired a mercenary battalion (50 level 1 fighters, and 1 level 4 fighter... their leader) to lure Mary Sue into a trap. And I did every single roll... the Mary Sue sliced every one of them into shreds. It was a super frustrating combat and super boring. Because I rolled and rolled and rolled, and all my party could do was watch me rolling and telling them the casualties Mary Sue inflicted among their mercenaries.

It was the worst most memorable fight in my DMing history. DON'T DO THAT!

Using miniatures

If you use miniatures or tokens/standees and have enough to show all creatures that participate in combat, do that. But let all NPC and opponent miniatures at the same time. Most of the time they're not much more than moving obstacles and just show which squares are occupied. Commoners shouldn't fight themselves tho. But they could give the players a benefit for gang-up. I'd go for example with +1 on attack and damage for each commoner that stands next to your melee-target.

But if you want some published guidance...

...you might want to look into this Unearthed Arcana article.

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