[RPG] How to bring up mental health in session zero


I've recently started playing role-playing games again, and my current group are excellent in that they are very conscious of eachother's mental well-being. We openly discuss what we are and aren't ok with happening 'at the table' (we play by chat, but that is not relevant), which has made me more aware of my choices and checking in on my fellow players on a regular basis.

It's made me want to think about running my own games, either by post, by chat, in person or otherwise.

However, I'd like to make sure the games I'm in (as a player or GM) accommodate other's mental health and avoid anything distressing by bringing it up in a session zero. However, the last in person group I played with has never heard of session zero, and I don't know that they are all ok to openly talk about their own mental health in a group setting (even though at least one of them has opened up to me in the past in private).

How can I bring up this aspect of session zero, or should I avoid it entirely/drop hints in the hopes somebody speaks up if they feel the need? I want to avoid the bystander effect making it so nobody wants to speak up first.

Best Answer

Do not force people to open up

or even appear to force

I have a depression and I started diagnosis for ADHD and autism (process stalled by pandemic and overload of psychical healthcare). And a couple of minor issues I'm not willing to disclose. So I'm talking from my experience. I also played with people I know to have issues.

Mental health still comes with stigma. People are afraid they will be judged for it or treated differently if it'll become known. And for the most part they are right about that! Ridicule is bad, but things like pity or excessive cautiousness are hardly better. Asking about mental health problems is, in some ways, more rude than asking someone "Hey, do you maybe have an erectile dysfunction?".

Be delicate with preemptive questions

If you will ask "Does any of you have a depression? Because if so, I'll make this campaign happy and bright!" I will get up and leave, or outright lie to you in your face. There are two things you can, and should ask:

  1. There are some things in my campaign that I think may be uncomfortable or cause distress for some people. Here is the list. Are you OK with them? Do you need some accommodations? Or something must go or else you don't play?

  2. Do you need, or want, some accommodations I might not know about? Like topics you want to avoid, foods you are allergic to, breaks every ___ minutes? Anything? Feel free to tell me now or message me in private.

You can only prepare so much

So be prepared to solve things as you go. Don't get angry at your ADHD friend for not taking his meds and getting distracted (if that happens; it doesn't have to), if your depressed player stays in bed allow her to play via webcam or allow her character to stay in the town too, and don't make her lag behind with XP, if someone asks for a break and seems serious then stop everything and make that break, and so on.