[RPG] How to cause a missed shapeshift roll for Dungeon World


I was looking at the Druid and the shapeshift move. I can imagine consequences for failing the wizard's spellcasting and the thief backstabbing moves, but how can you make shapeshifting turn out bad?

Best Answer

Looking over the GM moves, here are some ideas that come to mind.

  • Deal damage is simple, direct, but will get boring quickly.
  • Use up their resources could cause them to break something they were holding, wearing, or carrying during the transformation.
  • Turn their move back on them could get them stuck in a suboptimal form for a little while. As GM, I would be very careful about this. You could also transform an opponent into something more dangerous—this sounds a lot more interesting and fun! The spirits are angry with you, and here's what you get for bothering them with your inane request.
  • Show a downside could be the enemies taking the Druid for the biggest threat.