[RPG] How to create a sense of thestery about magic


Magic in so many games is something mechanical and fully understood. Assuming I control the setting (and have a group of players willing to try new rules), how do I make magic something mysterious?

In a typical game the characters open up a chest and find a thin rod lying inside it. Someone says "it's a wand", then it's time to cast Detect Magic and Identify, and now the party knows exactly what it is — just another Wand of Healing from the Frobozz Magic Wand Company. There's no mystery, no curiosity, and very little interest. Magic items and magic spells are all rote and common.

How do I make it so the players feel like the magic in the game is mysterious?

Best Answer

Your 'world' will dictate for the most part how magic is viewed.

NPCs - how other characters react to mages,spells, magic items etc. are a good way to add a sense of how magic is regarded in your game world. A glowing item or demonstration of magic frightens or amazes passersby.. when word reaches a towns ruler of adventurers with a unusual item or abilities she requests an audience to see for herself.

Abundance vs Scarcity - The less there is the more novel magic becomes. If every goblin enountered is wandering around with enchanted daggers and there's a magical supplies merchant in every town its very difficult to maintain a sense of wonder. On the other hand if magic items can only be found after herculean efforts (slaying the dragon etc..) or in exotic locations (in a secret chamber beneath the ancient ruins of a legendary castle ).

Mysterious behavior - Sure that longsword gives you a +1 when fighting orcs. It also cries out the name 'Larissa' under a full moon, Or simply dissapears from time to time... Your mages 'Magic Missile' spell, instead of appearing as glowing arrows every now and then manifests itself differently (a flaming spear, or icy daggers) perhaps modifying its game affect slightly (and unexpectedly!)

Description - be vague in the descriptions/naming of spells/items, the Call of Cthulhu spell list is deliberately obtuse in places (and encourages the Keeper to do the same), an Identify spell for a wand of fireball gives the mage a vision of enemies perishing in flames or suchlike.

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