[RPG] How to deal with the Remove Curse spell spoiling the plot hooks


My players met Fiachra, cursed to be a raven unless she brings the Scepter of McGuffin to Ebil Wissard III (grand son of the legendary Ebil Wissard).

Of course, the Cleric in the group casts the remove curse spell, and problem solved. No need to go on a long perilous quest to through the Fire Swamp, over the Cliffs of Insanity, and down into the Pit of Despair. Nope, no point at all. Weeks worth of planning and preparation down the tubes. Tonight's session they spent the rest of the time helping Fiachra repaint her castle and then everyone watched the paint dry (ok, I admit it was one of my more interesting sessions).

So what is a frustrated DM supposed to do? Obviously I can't have any more plot hooks that depend on a curse, or can I? Is it reasonable to nerf remove curse and say, "Well, this curse was done by a level 42 wizard, so you need to be level 42 to break it"? How can I best handle this as DM?

Best Answer

Your "Curse" is not mechanically a curse

You can impose conditions that would be a curse in a fairy tale, but are not mechanically curses.

Remove Curse is a 3rd level spell. It is meant to remove conditions such as those imposed by the Bestow Curse or Geas or to remove the atunement from a cursed item so that the item can be disposed of.

Remove curse will not remove a the effects of a True Polymorph or a Flesh to Stone for instance. Your custom "curse" with its escape clause is obviously into homebrew territory, but not only are you justified in declaring that it is beyond Remove Curse, the players should not be surprised. Your custom spell is more akin to True Polymorph than it is to Bestow Curse. I have used custom conditions that must be resolved by a MacGuffin frequently, and my players are never surprised when it takes far more than a low level remove curse or dispel magic to break it.

To avoid misleading players, especially those that invest heavily into RAW, you may want to hint strongly that remove curse won't work ahead of time. Ideally, you would avoid the word curse, but since this fits perfectly within "fairy tale curses" that might be hard. Instead, I might have the NPCs say things like it is a "special kind of curse" or "like a curse". You could even have a local cleric say they have already tried remove curse, or at least emphasize the "only" way to break the curse.

Have backup plans and be adaptable

In your particular scenario, you are fully justified in declaring that the mechanical ability just won't do it and any reasonable player should understand that. Sometimes that won't be the case. Sometimes the players will really find some way to short-circuit your plan that its hard to say no to without cheating your players.

That is where you remember that you know and control things they don't. Among other things, remember that MacGuffins are largely fungible. So, they just found a way to avoid something you put a lot of work into planning. You might need to back off for a little bit and let them enjoy that victory, but then some other MacGuffin winds up being in the place that you put so much work into planning and they still have to go, just for a slightly different reason.

In your particular case, if the curse is broken perhaps the princess herself gets carried off to the well guarded location you planned out.

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