The most powerful way to bypass the Focus expenditure requirement on metapsionic feats is playing an Ardent and using the Dominant Ideal ACF. A Dominant Ideal Ardent does not need to expend their Focus when applying metapsionic feats to their chosen mantle.
Another way is to play an Elan and take the Elan Retainment feat (from Complete Psionic), allowing you to not lose your psionic focus once per day when you otherwise would.
A third, but mostly inaccessible way is Epic Psionic Focus, allowing you to power two feats with the expenditure of one focus.
And you have already discovered Psicrystal Containment, the most accessible way by far.
As for whether it's possible to use two metapsionic feats at once - yes, it's generally assumed you can combine the uses of two or more feats, as long as there are no action incompatibilities. Also, for what it's worth, the FAQ seems to agree (page 93):
I have a question about psionic focuses. Psicrystal
containment allows you to use your psicrystal’s focus
instead of your own, and Epic Psionic Focus allows you to
use the same psionic focus to power two psionic feats. What
isn’t covered is whether you can expend two psionic focuses
at the same time. Can you use both your own personal focus
and the psicrystal’s focus in the same round? For example,
could you use your personal focus for Deep Impact and
your psicrystal’s focus for Psionic Weapon on the same
You can use them simultaneously if you are doing different
things with the expended focus, but if you are using two foci
simultaneously to amp damage on the same weapon, it
probably doesn’t work—unless the DM feels there is a good
reason to allow the combo. I could certainly see this being
allowed in some cases.
Best Answer
Be immune to being stunned.
Through spells:
The easiest way to do that is using any spell that changes your type into undead, elemental, construct, plant or ooze, or give you immunity to stunning right away.
Favor of the martyr and elemental body, both from Spell Compendium, do the work just fine. Favor of the martyr gets special mention for having a lot of other immunities, including the rare and coveted daze immunity.
Through items:
Ernir's Lists of Necessary Magic Items has a list of helpful items for every situation, including giving immunities to stun.