[RPG] How to design adventures or a campaign in the genre of superheroes to encourage active players


This is related to a previous question I had, albeit more related directly to design rather than looking for a proof of concept. I've been writing some adventures with a house-ruled version of Mutants and Masterminds 3E with the assumption that the players are playing relatively heroic supers in a four color style universe. The problem with this is that it's encouraged a reactive playstyle (supervillain acts, heroes react); the players do get to choose how to deal with the problem of the week, but, because they're "heroic", they don't get to choose which problems to tackle. "Heroic" PC's, for one, won't just up and choose to rob a bank.

I find that the games I as a player and a GM enjoy most are those where the players have the ability to be surprising and cause unexpected developments. My question is this: How do I construct a campaign or adventures where the players and their heroic PC's not only have meaningful choice in how to tackle problems; but which problems to also create (robbing a bank causes cops to show up)? What are "best practices" here?

I mention that I'm running M&M 3E, although I've already jettisoned some of the mechanics I find to be "Get back on the rails" mechanics; advice that is specifically ment for that will be helpful but isn't necessary.

Best Answer

Superheroes are reactive because the default state is that they've won: at the end of each episode, they get the city back to the way they want it, and there's nothing more for them to do until something goes wrong again. To get active superheroes, you have to create a situation where the default state is the heroes are losing: something is wrong with the city and it will take the whole campaign to fix it.

You could do a war story, perhaps: our heroes have gone behind enemy lines to sabotage the enemy war effort and capture enemy superheroes. Without killing anyone, of course.

Do a crime story. The city is infested with gangs, the police aren't solving it, and now it's your job to clean it up. The Batman solution, dressing up in a costume and punching individual muggers, clearly won't work. Climbing the hierarchy and dealing with the leaders might work better. But a real solution should involve reforming the criminal justice system and addressing the socioeconomic causes of crime...

Bonus points if the crime story is actually set in Gotham City, and Batman is punching muggers in the background and wondering why it's not solving the problem.

Do an infestation story. AI (or alien parasites, or zombie virus), has infected and mind-controlled every citizen in Chicago. It's spreading, but slowly. Our heroes show up in the city and have to avoid getting infected themselves. Then they have to figure out what the infestation is doing, thwart its devious plan, figure out where it camr from, and devise a plan to cure it.