[RPG] How to get a new player to understand the time investment of a table top RPG


I have a problem and I was hoping you guys could help me.
My friends and I are about to start a Pathfinder campaign. We are all very new, none of us have played any sort of table top RPG before.
Most of us are excited and did a lot of research to prepare our characters. However one friend does not seem to understand that he will need to do outside reading (what he calls homework) for this to be an enjoyable experience for him.
We are supposed to do our first sessions tomorrow (which has been planned for several weeks) and his character concept is still little more than Elf Druid. He claims to be very excited about playing the game but his actions beg to differ.

How do I convey to him that he needs to pick up the books and read about the game. That he needs to prepare his character between/before sessions? I have linked him to many websites to try and help get him started as well as giving him free access to all my books but nothing seems to help.

Best Answer

He doesn't need to pick up the books in the first place. RPG's are a recreational activity. If he doesn't want to spend time reading gaming books, then he really has no obligation to do so. Maybe tabletop RPG's just aren't for him. Perhaps he's just going along with everyone because he wants to hang out with the group or doesn't want to be the wet blanket on the group's activity, but otherwise isn't very interested.

I wouldn't be too concerned about it. If he tries gaming and enjoys it, he'll start reading the books and becoming familiar with the system out of new found interest. If he doesn't enjoy it, then you'll probably lose him as a player anyways. But badgering him to do 'homework' is most assuredly not going to help you keep him around.