[RPG] How to get spontaneous arcane casting without an armor penalty in pathfinder


How could I get a gish in pathfinder with spontaneous arcane casting without having to worry about spell failure chance.

To those that would say sorcerer/fighter, how do I avoid the spell failure chance? and how expensive would that be?

I was originally thinking I was going to have to pick something like magus for avoiding armor failure chance, so I was trying to figure out how to cast spontaneously, but if there is an effective and cost effective way to avoid the armor spell failure, that would be great.

So a viable solution would be:

  • A class that already has spontaneous arcane casting in armor.
  • OR a way to avoid the armor spell failure on a class with spontaneous arcane casting.
  • OR a way to gain spontaneous arcane casting on a class that can already ignore the armor spell failure penalty, but has to prepare their spells in advance.

Best Answer

It seems like the Eldritch Scion Magus archetype is what you're looking for. It's basically a Magus that can cast its spells spontaneously. It also loses out on some other class features in order to gain access to a bloodrager bloodline. Like a regular Magus, an Eldritch Scion can use light armor without spell failure at first level, medium at 7th, and heavy at 13th.

You might also look at some of the third-party magus archetypes that grant spontaneous spellcasting: Extempresario, Spiderhawk, Primagus.

Summoners also have the ability to cast spontaneous arcane spells in light armor right away, no archetypes needed. You might also consider taking the Synthesist archetype, which replaces your eidolon with a suit of magical power armor.

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