[RPG] How to get started creating this homebrew race


I'm a pretty new player. I have played one campaign to completion and am in the middle of two other ones with two different groups. I've never made any homebrew content, and I only have a pretty basic understanding of the game from a player's perspective.

I am looking to create a homebrew race but have no idea where to start!

  • This species is a bug race with two 'factions' if you will. Each has a different appearance and a single special ability, silk weaving and a knack for sensing vibrations of the ground.

  • I have illustrations

  • I have some ideas on how their culture works

Where should I start with creating this race? What should I know?

Best Answer

First things first, your best bet is to pick a race that has the same build that you want your homebrew race to be like. If you want a Dextrous build; fast, light and agile, go with an Elf, for example. If you want a strong, resilient, brutish build, start with an Orc.

Try not to look at the race itself. As bad as it sounds, each race is just a collection of numbers that have been assigned to specific things. JamesMusicus's 5e Guide to Homebrewing Races is very useful in that regard; especially when it comes to Racial traits, etc.

Main things to remember:

  • Assign a Primary Ability Score
    • This score gets +2
  • Decide on Secondary Ability Scores for Subraces
    • These scores get +1
    • If a race has no subraces, simply assign a +1 to their Secondary Score
  • Decide on features
    • Selecting features* should work like a point-buy system using the costs listed. All costs are weighed against ability score improvements.
  • Races get 2 languages for free: Common, and one other that is race-specific.

*The guide has a full list of all features currently available to most races in the 5e system, including things like flight

By following this guide, you should have something fairly well balanced for a starting race. You can then come back here and ask if it is balanced.

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