How to Handle a Powergamer/Munchkin in Tabletop RPGs?


What are some strategies that I can employ to handle a power gamer that constantly outshines the rest of the party? This is a friend of us all and we don't want to boot him, but combat simply isn't fun when the party has nothing to do while he mops up an encounter by himself.

Best Answer

Does he know there's a problem? There are plenty of mechanical ways to limit his character, but bear in mind that you may wind up moving the frustration from yourselves over to him. And if he's at all smart, he's going to recognize what's going on.

My generic answer for problem behavior is "talk to the guy," which is harder but often more effective.

I really dig the idea of giving him bigger monsters to fight. Obviously being awesome is part of what's turning his crank; if you can figure out ways to let him show his awesome without overshadowing everyone else, that's a win for everyone.