[RPG] How to handle bonds that don’t resolve


So my first game of Dungeon World has hit the ground and we're all having fun, but something seems off in handling Bonds at the end of session.

One of my players has the bond, "Able always has my back when things go wrong." while another has the bond, "I am working on converting Baker to my faith." And these are great, the players are having great fun in exploring them and acting on them, etc.

But then we get to the end of session move:

When you reach the end of a session, choose one of your bonds
that you feel is resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant,
or otherwise). Ask the player of the character you have the bond
with if they agree. If they do, mark XP and write a new bond with
whomever you wish.

This seems like it favors the bond with Baker, because that appears to be a goal with a more-or-less well-defined metric for completion. I can easily understand how this bond can resolve in a way the players are happy with.

In contrast, the bond with Able is more of an existing, recognized status, almost more like an alignment to be acted on than a bond to resolve (and in fact Able's alignment is to protect those weaker). I can't really see how this one can properly resolve if it's getting acted on constantly, which seems to put them at a disadvantage, denying them both the xp and the chance to establish new bonds with the party.

How do I handle these bonds that don't seem to lend themselves to any kind of resolution?

Best Answer

Personally I've never found the starter bonds for classes to be all that compelling for exploring a party's inter-relationships. And for new players they can lead to some poor assumptions about what constitutes "good" ones. To alleviate that:

Add something actionable

Like you've noted, bonds like the Thief's "_____ has my back when things go wrong" tend to just describe states that two characters are in rather than offer them something actionable to draw upon in play. My go-to solution to prevent this is to simply have them add what their character intends to do about it to the end. Bonus points for making it something that can be done in the short term (i.e. next session). For example:

  • Able has my back when things go wrong. I'm going to make it up to him.
  • Able's misguided nature dangers their very soul! I must show them the way.
  • I worry about the ability of Able to survive in the dungeon. I will keep them safe.

You'll notice that many starter bonds have this element in them anyway, but in my opinion, all of them should. Doing this will also set up good habits when developing bonds of their own—so long as there is an element to them that can be acted upon, character relationships can grow and develop naturally as each one is resolved.

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