[RPG] How to handle the players killing things by catapulting a folding boat


So, I'm not sure where to begin…

I planned some epic battle and "that guy" showed up and ruined it. He took a magical item I (stupidly) gave him (folding boat, DMG 170), cast Catapult (EE, p.15) on the item and said the magic words while it was in air. The small package opened up to a large boat. He threw a large boat at the bad guy. We all laughed… it was very creative.

I ruled it did the 3d8 damage from catapult, plus 5d8 "boat" (bludgeoning) damage. I like to reward creativity.

My issue is… he still has the boat and plans on doing this repetitively. How can I take this item back / break it without being the mean DM? Can I do damage to the magical item?

The instant fortress item can be damaged, and only repaired by Wish (which seems excessive for a boat).

I will also add, I didn't accidentally give them this item, I'm running a high magic campaign. The boat, while wondrous, I think isn't a legendary item. Maybe I can't have it both ways ("here have these magical items, but don't use them weirdly").

Best Answer

The folding boat explicitly says that it takes an action to speak the command word. If your player is using his action to cast catapult, he doesn't have an action left to properly incant the command word before the attack finishes.

The catapult spell says that it targets an item weighing "1 to 5" pounds, and it propels the target "in a straight line". This isn't throwing the item, it's moving it magically. If the item ceases to be a valid target for the spell (because it weighs too much), the spell fails and the item falls to the ground.

The catapult spell deals equal damage to the thing being thrown as to the target. The foldable boat probably can't take too much damage before it stops folding properly.

Finally, it's not clear from the folding boat description how long it takes to gain all that mass. If you don't think explosive decompression is reasonable, you might rule that the unfolding process takes a minute or two.

The players have already used this once and seen that it worked. I recommend being honest with them: "Guys, the boat-catapult thing worked once because it caught me by surprise, but I went and looked at the rules more closely and I have the following concerns. We'll leave the result of the previous combat as it happened, but if you try it again, we'll follow the rules correctly."