[RPG] How to improve physical attractiveness of a PC with low Charisma


I am currently playing a female swashbuckler and considering using the new Bluff skill seduce to learn secret use that @Hey I Can Chan suggested to me on this question about special effects suited to a rapier.

The problem is that I currently have a low charisma (10) and the feat states "the nonplayer character must find the swashbuckler physically attractive". I know that physical attractiveness and charisma are not directly linked, there are several questions around there on this topic (e.g., Can Charisma be considered a physical score?), and I am quite on the same line—I don't see why I would have to invest a lot into improving charisma which serves a lot of various purposes when I am only looking for physical attractiveness.

On the other hand I am pretty sure that if I had a high charisma value I could easily play as if I had a great seduction power. So here is my question:

How can I improve my character's physical attractiveness beside improving charisma?

Best Answer

Simply do what women all over the world (well most of it) do and use makeup!

Mechanical Implementation:
If your DM wants a mechanical measure, the "Disguise" skill has rules in place for this (also of note, this skill can be used "untrained"). The disguise kit can be used to add a +2 modifier (btw, the disguise kit contains makeup as one of it's many components so I would think it'd be usable on its own).

Not looking at the table, since you are not trying to actually disguise yourself as someone else, just make minor detail changes (blush/mascara/lipstick/whatever else) you get a +5 modifier to your roll!

So, by taking our time (aka, take 10)
You get 10+0(Cha)+2(kit)+5(minor details)=17

If you have the time and your DM lets you take 20 then this would be 27.

Traditionally, disguise is vs the observer's spot check, however, in this case what would he be spotting? Makeup? Hardly anything to worry about unless it's covering up some horrific details.
As a DM (If I even made you work this hard for it anyway) I'd probably just allow most NPCs, assuming proper sexual orientation, to find the character attractive enough. Although, for nobles/royalty etc., you might need to take the 20.

Note to DMs

Note to DMs thinking of incorporating this answer, remember that the PC still has to use the bluff skill to get what they want so it's probably better to give them the benefit of the doubt & take 10/20 on the disguise checks.