[RPG] How to make 4th Edition Rituals more accessible


So here’s the situation: Rituals should be awesome. They’re typically a little bit open-ended, they’re not direct combat actions, they’re ripe for interesting roleplaying, and they’re fairly accessible to a wide range of classes. But they have a couple of problems that get in the way of them being fun, in my experience:

  1. Their costs are cumbersome and nitpicky, requiring the tracking and gathering of several otherwise useless resources.
  2. Because of their long casting times, the entire set of mechanics basically don’t exist in most of the tense game play situations that my groups typically find themselves in.
  3. Because they require a limited, non-renewable resource, I find that many players are hesitant to use them, even fairly minor ones, because they’re afraid of wasting the resources.
  4. Having enough of the components is dependent upon A: active effort from the DM, or B: having a steady flow of gold – a standard, steady gold economy, by the books.

I’ve tried house-ruling them before (cast as full-round action, pay costs with healing surges/action points/daily powers), and typically removing some of these barriers has good results, but I haven’t been 100% satisfied with my own efforts. I often need to make a lot of little exceptions to compensate for the wide range of rituals available.

It’s worth noting that I usually play with groups that enjoy RP and play fast and loose; I’m not concerned about accounting for all the loopholes or anything, since none of my players are the types to try and break the system, or min-max at the expense of fun.

So, without further ado: do you guys have good tips or tricks, or even fleshed out houserules, that make casting rituals more feasible and accessible?

Best Answer

Here are some house rules I've used to great effect – based on the writings of many bloggers and forum posters.

Simplify casting times to Short rest and Extended Rest

If casting time is less than 1 hour, make it a short rest instead. If it's longer, make it a extended rest.

Severely cut the casting cost

Cut casting cost by at least 50%. Consider cutting it by 90%, and eliminating the cost completely when less than a threshold, say 10gp.

Make disenchant free and allow residuum to replace material components

By making disenchant free, the residuum component cost can easily be satisfied by those old junk magic times cluttering up their character sheets.

Alternatively: Replace all material component costs with a per-day limit

Instead of having any residuum and material component costs, some GMs are implementing a per-day ritual casting limit: say 3/4/5 for Heroic/Paragon/Epic. Any rituals that are too powerful this way are simply not available to player characters.

Use a skill check to allow casting a ritual above level

I love low-level characters being able to cast rituals/create potions/etc. above their level. Invest the time and the component cost, if any, and roll the appropriate skill check. Difficulty starts at 10 for a ritual/potion one level above you, and goes up by 5 per level higher.

For the inspirations for these house rules, see:

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