[RPG] How to make large number of NPCs manageable to the GM


I'm planning a game where there is about a dozen important NPC actors, with some more less important ones. "Important" means that even if they are not directly involved in current events, they play a large role in the world which cannot be discounted and their existence is obvious to anyone in-character.

However, I know that my notes can only be so big and constant consultation of character lists and relationship charts is impossible. If I introduce a lot of NPCs, at some point I will get confused and have to manage NPC relations with the degree of accuracy I can't achieve, as relations and opinions grow much faster than total NPC number.

I'm looking for technique or paradigm that allows me to marry the ideas of approachable player space and multiple important NPCs.

Best Answer

Learn from Toyota and institute a just in time delivery system. A relationship between two NPCs is meaningless until either the players learn about it or the relationship impacts the world in a way that the players will notice.

Making the world come alive and populating it with interesting NPC is not about knowing every last detail in advance, but rather the art of either having it ready when you need it or be able to create it quickly when you need it.

I make a list of NPCs, where each NPC has the following attributes:

  • Name
  • Position
  • Goal

I'll add the following information to the NPCs I think the players will interact with or be affected by:

  • Appearance and quirks
  • Personality
  • Main relationship with other NPCs

I have all the names and title/positions of every NPC written out on a pice of paper for a quick overview and a index. Then I have a separate sheet of paper for each NPC sorted in the order they appear on the index page. As I make more and more information about the NPC I'll write it all down on this page. The first few times they meet a NPC I will always flipp to the page about the NPC. Usually I'll use some information about the NPC in my scene description. Since I have the page in front of me as they meet the NPC it is easy to add more information.

In regards to the relationships I sometimes draw a diagram with each faction grouped together. I'll keep the type of relationships on the diagram to a minimum. Typically just alliance and rivalry.