[RPG] How to model a character polymorphed into a (stupid, speechless) Tyrannosaurus Rex


The wizard in my party likes to use polymorph to turn himself into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The T-Rex has Intelligence 2, and cannot understand or speak any langauges. Although the character retains his alignment and personality, it seems that his ability to reason and communicate with the other party members should be significantly reduced.

In reality however, the player retains full control over his actions, and continues to discuss strategy with the rest of the group. I don't want to ruin his fun (he being one of the most tactically-minded party members). I have toyed with ideas like stopping him from talking to the other party members, or taking control of the polymorphed character, with the player giving broad instructions, but both seem to take away player agency.

Are there any solutions which both model the lowered intelligence and inability to communicate, and preserve the player's fun?

Best Answer

Role-playing is about having fun at the table. A fundamental difference between most role-playing games and other games is that you are not supposed to optimize your characters actions based on your player knowledge, but only on your character knowledge. Basing it on player knowledge would be breaking the "role-playing" and is considered meta-gaming or cheating by many.

So there are two kinds of interactions at a normal table: interactions of the character and interactions of the player. Examples for character interaction may be casting a spell or transferring specialized knowledge from one character to another. Examples for player interaction might be talking about how to use publicly available information for the groups greater good, for example by suggesting that the group of archers in the distance would make a prime target for the mages fireball. Only the mage character can cast the fireball, but any player has the knowledge that a fireball is possible and would not have any collateral damage on a group in the distance. So a player suggesting that the mage should do that is not meta-gaming, it's just normal gaming.

So you have to keep apart those to incidents. If the character that turns into a dinosaur gets information, the other characters do not have, then by all means restrict this knowledge. Matter of fact, in a good role-playing group you should not have to. The players themselves should know that their characters do not have access to this information and act accordingly.

If the player want to communicate with the other players, let him. Talking to the others is what makes this game fun, do not restrict the player-to-player communication just because the character cannot communicate. Just make sure to remind them (if necessary) that their player knowledge is not their character knowledge.


  • Wizard Willy: I turn into a towering dinosaur
  • DM: From your newfound high view you can see three raiders waiting to ambush you from behind the next hill
  • Barbarian Bert: What? Bastards. I charge them!

This is bad (tm). Character-only knowledge was exchanged while such an exchange was not possible (or even attempted) in-game. If it were a movie, you'd see Barbarian Bert charge over the hill without even knowing there's raiders behind it. You should restrict that.

Example 2:

  • Wizard Willy: I turn into a towering dinosaur
  • DM: From your newfound high view you can see three raiders waiting to ambush you from behind the next hill
  • Barbarian Bert's Player: oh, that's just raiders. A dino should shred them in a few rounds. Come on, just charge them!
  • Wizard Willy Dinosaur: I charge them!

That's fine. Players exchanged opinions. Bert the Barbarian character is still standing there dumbfounded, wondering why the wizard dino took of. No meta-gaming happened.


Restrict character interaction as appropriate for the new form. Do not restrict player interaction.