[RPG] How to motivate the fellow players


Although I'm very much enjoying the one of the games I'm in, the other players seem to be flagging and losing interest. This is a bit disheartening as their lack of enthusiasm is bringing down the game for me and I'd like to help get them re-motivated and back into it The GM is doing all the right sort of things (see associated posts) but…

But how can I as a player motivate my fellow players to regain their enthusasm for the game?

They certainly enjoy things once they "get going" and get themselves into it, but their enthusiasm at the start and here and there is lacking and they tend to wander subjects. This is a primarily social game (WoD); Combat is pretty rare (once in every four sessions or so) and none of the characters are really statted for it (except mine, bizarrely). The other players will engage with NPCs. They do take a long time to wind up to play (first hour or so) but they'll wander in play once it's started as well. We do have problems with occasional pauses (online game) and getting back rolling again after, but it's as much distracting irrelevant talk that seems (to me) to indicate wandering interest.

Related to this question:
How to motivate players without the promise of gold and XP? and
How do I help my players get more engaged in the story?

Best Answer

Meta: Do the grown up thing: Ask them up front that you perceive them losing their enthusiasm for the game and that you would like to know if it's true (or just your perception) and if so, why this is happening? Then, you can resolve things so that everyone is happy.

In game: If the problem is one of distraction, then set aside time to drink coffee and chat before the game starts. Set a timer and once it gets going: just stay in character at all times!. Even when you go to the toilets, or answer your phone, or order pizza: just be in character. Costumes props can help as well as long as they are not too disruptive in and of themselves. Suggest the use of mood lighting and mood music as well. Removing sources of distractions can help a lot: no more laptop (with frikking solitaire), comic books, or film magazines...


From a comment: how do you get the other players to agree to do that? By that, I assume the second point. If you cannot get the other players to listen to you, then find better friends. Otherwise, you engage the grown ups in the room. If you cannot reach a common ground, find other players. Or just try it, they may pick on that and go with it. You could learn manipulation, blackmail, and confidence trickery so that you can force the other players to do your bidding. However, in my not so humble opinion, that makes you a scum bag. Mind controlling your fellow players is in the realm of bad super heroes plots. <pinch of salt added>. ^_~