[RPG] How to one reverse the effects of an intellect devourer’s ability


In the next story arc, the party are heading down through some old Dwarven mines, so naturally they're going to come across a few underdark beasties, namely the Intellect Devourer.

Currently, they are all level 5 and will likely remain so while doing this arc. What options do the players have for reversing the effects of Devour Intellect?

I am interested in all of the ways that this can be reversed, preferably starting with options available to second-tier parties. (Character levels 5 through 10, p. 10, Basic Rules).

Best Answer

Well, the standard answer would be "Greater Restoration", however:

As the guy who wrote that ecology, you don't. Here's how Intellect Devourers work. They devour your intellect then they meld into your brain and turn you into their prey. It's in the Monster Manual. They're ambush predators and strike when you're alone. So, ideally, you can't really recover the lost intelligence. It takes a long rest. So, if you get ambushed (and they don't attack parties. They attack single or duo victims), you get stunned, they take over your brain and then they make you lure others.

Parsing that is somewhat complex, but it seems as though (and this follows for a CR2 creature IMO) that you should regain your mental capabilities after a long rest.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/comments/3cridh/5e_intellect_devourer_how_do_you_regain/csym9ca