[RPG] How to prevent a TPK without obvious Deus Ex Machina


I've gotten into a situation in my Pathfinder game where I will certainly kill my entire party (perhaps excepting one or two who can flee quickly) if I let the situation play out. We arrived in this situation since I underestimated a monster, and it quickly proved both more powerful and more resilient than I expected to be. Because this was my mistake and not either the players or luck I don't intend to kill the players, but there is no obvious way out, and I'd rather not resort to obvious Divine Intervention or other Deus Ex Machina.

How can I get my players out of a bad situation without leaving a sore spot in the story? What techniques can I use at the table to make this less painful for the GM and the players?

Specific Background:

The party was returning from adventure where they lost one of their members to bad luck and bad tactics. They were traveling through a forest where they met a Gatekeeper druid (new party member) being chased by some evil fey which they destroy. He tells them he was chased away from a gate to the bad part of Thelanis by the fey, and agrees to help them find their way. They decide to help him close the gate because it's a good thing to do. They kill the minor fey and plants guarding the gate, but I threw in a WitchFire (Pathfinder Bestiary 2, CR9, Incorporeal Undead) disguised as a captured nymph. The WitchFire quickly downed the fighter and took out one of the sorcerers as well (no one died yet). The next obvious target would be the cleric, but I'm fairly sure attacking him would lead to the demise of the party. When I threw in the Witchfire it was largely off the cuff ("Won't this be cool!") and I underestimated both it's offense, and the party's unpreparedness for incorporeal undead.

Best Answer

A witchfire sometimes spawns upon the death of a hag, when one of these savage crones dies with some terrible plot unfinished or simply proves too maliciously tenacious to succumb to death’s grasp. (Source)

You say "TPK"; I say you have just been handed the perfect opportunity to invent a terrible unfinished plot that just so happens to require the PC's being alive and held as captives.

If it helps, cackle evilly and break out the A-Team quotes when you take down the last PC. The players don't need to know you made this all up since the previous session.