[RPG] How to procure an Illithid mask


I'm playing going to be playing Elementum, a LARP (or in french, Grandeur Nature) on the south bank of Montreal.

Their rulebooks account for Illithids (mind flayers), which seem to be really fun to play, but which no-one has done before. The main requirement is having a mask. I'm planning to run an illusionist Illithid who would spend most of his time disguised as various other people, so I wouldn't wear it very often (unless I fall unconscious, I think).

I can't really find it anywhere. How could I go about procuring this –either by making or buying it– relatively quickly?

While a straight-up High Octane Nightmare Fuel kind of thing with horrifying attention to detail would be awesome, it would probably be too expensive and long to get. For the moment, I just need something that clearly says «Look! I'm a Mind Flayer! Nom nom nom!» without further ado.

Best Answer

Quick and easy?

Modify this print-and-cut octopus mask.

It's fast, it's cheap, and it's effective. Just glue the tentacles on in a different pattern and color it mind-flayer-y. If you want a more 3-D effect you can add papier mâché to the mask, but you probably don't have time to let it dry properly.

If that doesn't work for you, I don't have any other specific suggestions but I've compiled a block of possibly-useful reference links:

As always, the HP Lovecraft Society has a plethora of poorly-catalogued links which might be useful. The Propnomicon blog has some great links to examples and tutorials, with a strong emphasis on cheap effects that look good. Stiltbeast's videos often assume more time than you have, but take a look and see if there's anything you can learn from. This forum focuses on Star Wars type props and costumes, but the structural ideas are still sound. See if you can unearth a useful tutorial there.