[RPG] How to read 2d10 as a percentage


I own 2 d10 dice with differently numbered sides (0 through 9, and 00 through 90), although the same applies for two identical 'regular' d10 dice.

How do I read the percentage value if I use both dice?

It's pretty straight-forward if I roll between 11 and 89, but outside this range it becomes slightly confusing:

Roll 1 Roll 2 Result
50 6 56%
80 9 89%
00 0 0% or 10% or 100%?
90 0 90% or 100%?
10 0 10% or 20%?

Note: if I roll with identical d10, I roll sequential, not simultaneous to avoid discussion if the 8 or 9 is the first digit.

I have a hunch that 0% isn't really a thing in most systems that use d100, so that eliminates 00, 0 → 0%.

So is it then true that on the first d10, the 00 counts as zero, but on the second d10, the 0 counts as ten?

Best Answer

You read one die as the 10s place and the other die as the 1s place. Traditionally, (00, 0) means 100 instead of 0. Your set is marked to make forgetting which die is which, intentionally or accidentally, impossible.

10s 1s Reads as
00 1 1
00 2 2
10 0 10
30 1 31
50 6 56
80 9 89
90 0 90
90 1 91

If you have just two dice numbered 0-9 you can do the same thing by just designating one color as 10s and the other as 1s.

Apparently, there are some new d100 sets that are intended to be added together, so that 90, 10 = 100, but those are not the dice you have described.

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