[RPG] How to reasonably prevent Manual of Bodily Health abuse?


I'm running D&D 5e. My players have recently come into possession of a Manual of Bodily Health. The very first thing they thought of was how to abuse it. They are planning on reading it and then burying it in the Feywild. The time dilation in my world means that every day in the material plane is years upon years of time in the Feywild. Rather than having them stack their Constitution bonuses infinitely, how can I reasonably limit this?

The description of the item is as follows:

This book contains health and diet tips, and its words are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book's contents and practicing its guidelines, your Constitution score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.

The Feywild has been a realm where time flows differently. I used the example of taking a couple of minutes between entering the Feywild has been a total of 2 weeks of waiting inside of the Feywild for the rest of the party to join.

This manual was an item they rolled on a magic item table, and therefore something I hadn't properly planned for. Considering its already very powerful effects, I'm worried about the players following through with their idea of "Let's bury it in the Feywild and use it over and over again! I bet this is something the DM didn't think about!"

Best Answer

The Feywild is a living place too and 100 years is a long time.

Your party is burying the manual of bodily health in the Feywild with only the hope that in 100 years within the Feywild that nothing finds it and takes the book for itself. This is quite unlikely to put it mildly. The next time they comeback to get it, the book has been taken. Maybe something watched them bury it 100 years ago and has long since scarpered or the book has been uncovered by the ravages of time or by mere chance.

In the modern world we see objects and ruins unearthed by dumb luck all the time. It's not unfair for you to maintain the balance of the game.

If this feels cheap to you, then the alternative is to up the pace of your adventures so that the party simply doesn't have time to keep reading the book. Adventures on a tight deadline that forces your party to move fast can stop them from feeling comfortable from reading.

However, you need to be willing to enforce consequences on this route if a player calls your bluff and this option can only hold up for so long as you can keep placing tight deadlines that the party will prioritise over reading the book.