[RPG] How to resolve the move if I can move farther than I can see


If I use a dash action on my turn it will allow me to move 70 feet in that round, but I can only see 60 feet in the dark.

We use Roll20.net with the dynamic lighting feature. So, sometimes I can't see what's in an area until I start moving.

This brings up all sorts of questions for me, but I'll filter them down into one.

How do you handle movement when there are unknown areas that only become known during the movement phase of a PC's turn?

Best Answer

You don't need to decide on all of your movement in advance.

There is no "movement phase" in 5e. You can move, see what's around the corner, decide if you want to move further, and so on. You can attack, cast a spell, hide, or whatever else you selected as your action at any point during your turn, and you can move further afterwards. If your action includes multiple distinct activities (for example, multiple attacks), then you can separate them with movement.