[RPG] How to save theself irregularly from a huge amount of damage that would kill me


So, I'm playing a character who can deal substantial damage for its level with a single weapon hit, using warmage edge, arcane channeling and bunch of other loopholes.

My DM recently mentioned that he'd like to give me a house homebrew item or ability that doubles my damage in a single strike once a day, but if I miss, I deal that damage to myself.
I can deal 50-80 damage normally, and my HP is 70, so I guess you can see the problem.

The damage is basically as follows:

Bastard sword – 1d10+3 physical

Burning sword spell – 1d6+6 fire

Blade of force reserve – 3+6 force

1st spell arcane channeled – 8d6+6 electricity or 7d6+6 fire

2nd spell stored – 8d6 electricity or 7d6 fire

Knowing my DM, simple true strike spell tricks won't cut it, he'll find a way around that, like cruel disappointment spell or something.

Is there a feat, spell, or item that I can use to negate -or at least survive- this damage if I happen to hit myself with it?

We're using d&d 3.5, I have the craft wondrous items feat already, and we can use any written source, including dragon magazines, just not homebrew.

Best Answer

  • Spellsink Scarab (from the magic item compendium) lets you absorb 4d6 hitpoints of damage from spells or spell-like abilities

  • Ring of mystic defiance (Magic Item Compendium p. 125) lets you reduce any magical damage by 10 points even after your DM announced the damage. For a beneficial DM, that may apply multiple times for you are hit with multiple magics.

  • Ring of energy resistance (DMG p. 232) against fire or electricity may go a long way. Protects you from either 10, 20 or 30 points of damage, depending on how much money you want to burn. Positive effect: this protects always and from all other sources as well. Negative effect: the positive effect is calculated into the cost of the item.

But the absolute winner would be:

  • Scarab of invulnerability (Magic Item compendium p. 132) protects you from all damage from all sources once per day.

Please note that this may just be a clever trick of your DM so you do all the work figuring out how to protect his henchmen from your powerful attacks. Economically, maybe you are better off leaving your DM in the dark on how to counter your arsenal and just go with your "normal" damage.

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