[RPG] How to stop one player taking control of the game


In my Pathfinder game, I have a problem with a player who constantly tells people what to do with their characters and turns and never lets anyone get a word in during roleplaying. I've told him he needs to stop but it hasn't had any effect. What can I do during the game to encourage him to stop?

Though nobody else has said anything directly, I can tell it's not just me because they've been throwing meaningful looks at me and some have been audibly sighing in annoyance.

Generally this is more an out of character problem, in terms of him telling other players what to do. For example, the cleric's player said he was going to engage in melee, but he began berating him and telling him to cast enlarge person instead.

Best Answer

Talk to the player

You have done this; good - do it again.

This time explain the rulesTM.

You need to decide what the rulesTM are. My suggestion is that when he:

  1. "tells people what to do with their characters" you will interrupt him and ask the other player "X has said he would like you to do Y. What would you like to do?"
  2. "never lets anyone get a word in during RP" you will interrupt him as the NPC and say "I'm not talking to you - if you keep interrupting then this audience/conversation/negotiation/whatever is going on is over."
  3. This is the only polite warning he will get; after that comes the humiliating warning - if he does it again then you will stop the game explain to him in front of all the player's that he has broken the rulesTM and that if he does it again you will ask him to leave the table.
  4. If he does it again - stop the game and ask him to pack up his dice and leave.

If he is willing to live by the rulesTM fine - if not, explain that its time for him to find another group.