[RPG] How to talk to an experienced player about metagaming


This is my first campaign as a GM and it is going really well but I have been having trouble with a player. This player is a GM of another campaign that I am playing in and in that campaign he has a God complex. (He makes insanely powerful NPCs/Gods that were his previous characters in other campaigns. They steal kills almost all the time and are always saving our PCs.)

Anyway, he is a part of my campaign and because he's a DM he knows how to break a character, which is unavoidable because he knows the rules. There have been instances though of where he'll metagame, peek over the DM screen, start describing certain scenarios, and so on. I have recently found out that this player has been looking up items and monsters during gameplay.

I've talked to him about it before but it keeps happening. We've played sessions where he couldn't make it and has gone a lot smoother. I don't want to kick him out, but its getting to the point where I and some of the players aren't having as much fun.

Best Answer

Use visual reminders

Sometimes, a player/DM like this only needs a visual cue that you've discussed in advance to remind them that they're engaging in behaviour you've previously talked about. Since this person is open and receptive, but keeps falling into habitual metagaming, start using a visual cue to remind them.

I recommend a pack of playing cards. Just tell him/her that the cards are meant to serve as a reminder to try to pull back the metagaming. Every time they start, just hand them a card. If the person is as receptive as you said, they'll check themselves immediately.

After time, this will no longer be necessary. You'll have effectively trained them out of a bad habit. Be sure to reward said behaviour with some cold beer to reinforce the change. :)

This advice comes from a lot of experience dealing with players who used to DM and actually falling into this same habit myself. Visual cues can be very subtle, and very powerful.