[RPG] How to test a system I am creating


I'm currently trying to create a fairly basic system for running table top role playing games that is loosely based on my experience with Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition and Pathfinder.

By system, I mean new character sheets, rules, ways of attacking (and defending) and GM rules – so in short, a new game.

It's fairly open (there aren't many specific rules other than what actions you can do and when), and ideally can be used over a multitude of settings (such as fantasy, sci-fi, modern day etc.)

Once I have completed a "first draft", what is the best way of testing my new game? And what questions should I be asking myself as it is tested? I'm interested in the entire testing process, from early days to late days.

Best Answer

You should test different aspects of the game in phases;

Phase 1: Rule mechanics / balance

This is something you can do on your own. You are proposing some game mechanics, formulas, dice, probabilities etc. Lay them out in front of you and calculate the end result probabilities and cross-interactions. What happens when character A attempts action B in situation C. Three possible outcomes of X, Y and Z. What are the probabilities? Is that what you want?

This phase can be a bit math-intensive but gives you a good big-picture of your game. Modify and tweak as needed, then move onto phase 2 when you got it approximately right. You will be revisiting these calculations later but for now, "about right" is "right"

Phase 2: Rules playtesting

Get yourself a few playtester players and run a few games. Your players will find and exploit a huge number of flaws and loopholes. Go back to phase 1 as needed to revise your rules.

Phase 3: Setting review

This only applies if you also have an established setting in your game. Have other people read your setting material and gather feedback. Clear out inconsistencies, fill gaps and ambiguities as needed.

Phase 4: Alpha testing

By now, you should have your rules and setting written out. Run games for playtesters but now, also join games as a player and observe from a different perspective. If possible, have others run and play games without you, and gather feedback. Revisit previous phases as needed. Move on when the game feels complete and solid.

Phase 5: Beta testing

…is similar to Alpha testing but you should have your book/pdf/website in your intended final format. Keep gathering feedback, but keep the focus on the output material. Build towards having a clear and understandable layout of your rules and setting. Fix your wording to clarify details.

At the end of it, you should have a working game. How much effort you put into any of these phases depends entirely on you and your game.

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