[RPG] How to turn an AD&D thief into a con-man


The thief character in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 1st edition is just that; a thief. Pickpocket, cut-purse, cat burglar, sneaky little blighter….

I'm thinking of running a non-combat (or minimum combat) series of games. One of the ideas is to turn the thief into a con-man and run a 'con the greedy rich baron' scheme, or something along those lines.

First, is AD&D even the right system to be doing this in? And if it is, what kind of abilities, besides 'pick pockets', 'hide in shadows', 'move silently', etc., would you expect a 'con-man' to have?

Best Answer

AD&D is a terrible system for this kind of play. This isn't the appropriate question to get into what games would be better (I recommend a new, follow-up question).

As written, most versions of D&D are combat-oriented games. They're geared for high action, preferably in a dungeon or similar environment. I'm not saying you can't do other things--it's obvious that you can--but you're outside the comfort zone of the rules.

If you were going to play a con man in AD&D, I'd create a new class for it. It'd have none of the thief abilities you list. Con men are social warriors, not sneaks. I'd create a percentile chart (by level) for these con abilities:

  • Deceive -- create a lie and convincingly "sell" it
  • Placate -- calm down an emotional person
  • Distract -- divert attention away from some person, fact, or event
  • Disguise -- appear to be someone you are not (a special case of Deceive worth its own ability)

Note how "fuzzy" these abilities are compared to thieves' abilities like Climb Walls and Hide in Shadows! You're counting on your DM to really make this work for you.