[RPG] If a Druid sees an animal’s corpse, can they Wild Shape into that animal


The Druid’s Wild Shape feature says:

you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before.

However, if a Druid sees the creature’s corpse, can they turn into a living version of the creature?

Best Answer

On a literal reading, no

Corpses are objects. Jeremy Crawford has unofficially advised as much on Twitter:

A non-undead corpse isn't considered a creature. It's effectively an object.

And see Is a dead creature's body considered an "object"? which addresses this.

A beast is a type of creature. So, having seen an animal's corpse, you haven't seen a beast.

From an in-universe point of view, you could perhaps justify this by saying the Druid needs to see how the beast moves before turning into it.

Many DMs might rule you could

My above answer is a painfully literal reading of the rules, and I personally would allow a Druid who'd seen an animal's corpse to turn into it.