[RPG] If I am holding an item before I cast Blink, will it move with me through the Ethereal Plane


If you pick up/hold onto an item before you cast the Blink spell in 5E, will it travel with you to the Ethereal Plane? Would this be possible on successive successful blinks?

I need to get an object out of the reach of an NPC but the player character who has it is currently charmed by the NPC. I hope to grab the item and blink away, but the other player says the item wouldn’t be able to travel with me as it wouldn’t be considered my item.

Any clarification anyone can share on what constitutes an “owned” item (not attuned), particularly in reference to teleporting/blinking, would be much appreciated!

Best Answer

RAW does not specify, RAI clearly yes

The spell only says that you are transported to the Ethereal Plane. Taken strictly and literally, it would mean that you leave all your stuff, including clothes, behind on the plane you start from.

This kind of behaviour would be highly unusual from a D&D 5e spell. You are not expected to account for these things. Spells that transport you are understood to also affect the gear on your person. Some impose limitations, but usually about items that you would not be able to hold.

Also, this concept of "ownership" is absent from the mechanics. You are either holding an item or not. This is in line with the practically expected behaviour of "take even what is bolted down" characterising most adventurers, especially in dungeons.