[RPG] If I multiclass from ranger into Druid, can I still wear metal armor


In the proficiencies of Druid, it says Druids will not wear armor made of metal, however, if I was originally a ranger, can I still wear my metal armor or do I have to remove it?

Best Answer

In the PHB pg 164 it gives you the multiclass table for what proficiencies you gain once you place 1 level into Druid (or any other class). Note on this table it also reminds you that Druids will NOT wear any armor or use any shields made of metal, just like it does in the Druid section earlier in the book. Thus your answer becomes: No, you may not wear your metallic armor you wore as JUST a ranger, and must remove it if you wish to become a Druid and use Druid powers.

It could be thought of like this: You were just a Ranger, and had no qualms about using metallic armor. You were curious to learn the ways of the Druid and have realized that before you can properly harness druidic magic and the abilities of Wild Shape, you must first take a vow to never wear metal on your person. Then the local Druids will teach you what you want to know.