[RPG] In Pathfinder, are there any weapon buffs that overcome all forms of Damage Reduction


Is there a spell in the Pathfinder world that grants a power to melee or ranged weapons similar to the Smite Evil / Smite Good ability to overcome all forms of Damage Reduction?

Best Answer

To clarify, here is the Smite Evil ability of the Paladin.

Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess

It sounds like you want a spell that effectively mimics this part of the ability.

If you look at the section on Damage Reduction, you will see there is a segment on "Overcoming DR". This states:

Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction, regardless of their actual material or alignment.

Any weapon with an Enhancement bonus of +5 ignores all Damage Reduction except for DR/(-/Slashing/Piercing/Bludgeoning). Note that this only seems to work if the weapon is permanently enchanted, a weapon temporarily enchanted with the Magic Weapon spell can only bypass DR/magic.

Aside: there are two spells to help you bypass specific forms of resistance. But neither of these bypass DR/-

But none of these beat DR/-. Yep, as far as I can tell, only that Smite ability is capable of completely ignoring DR all together. Worth knowing next time you face the Tarrasque :)