[RPG] Is Goodberry enough for nourishment in Chult


In Tomb of Annihilation you have the mechanic in the game where you have to drink more water than normal. Since you can't really rely on the rain catcher all the time would a good subsitute be the Ranger/Druid spell Goodberry?

With Goodberry, one “berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.” Would this be enough or would player characters still need more since there is a higher need for resources?

Best Answer

RAI, Goodberry isn't meant to provide water

Jeremy Crawford tweeted the intent behind the Goodberry spell - the "nourishment" provided by it still doesn't save you from thirst:

The nourishment provided by goodberry is meant to be like food, not water

So even if you eat goodberries, you still need water in Chult.

However, a GM has the last word

In the same tweet JC adds, that

a DM can say otherwise

So there are possible situations, where DM should make such a ruling. In Chult PCs need to drink a lot of water to survive, I'd say you shouldn't allow your party to completely neglect this part and just use Goodberry (by using all remaining spell slots before a long rest, for instance). But this depends on the DMing style and is opinion-based.