[RPG] Is it a bug or intended that Unarmored defense from barbarian and monk do not stack with each other


As an experiment, I made a level 1 monk and level 1 barbarian character. I set all the stats to 18.

Monk's unarmored defense defines your AC = 10 + Dex + Wis. The Barbarian's feature adds Con.

Yet the AC was still only 18. Is this intended or is it a bug with dndbeyond?

Best Answer

You cannot get Unarmored Defense twice

As the other answer notes, different ways to calculate AC don't stack but rather you choose which one applies (generally the one that gives you the biggest number).

In this case however, there is a more specific rule: You actually cannot get the Barbarians Unarmored Defense by multiclassing, because the multiclassing rules specifically don't allow you to gain the Unarmored Defense feature twice. So you only have the Monk Unarmored Defense calculation available and couldn't choose the Barbarian version even if it would've given you a higher AC because you just don't have it.

Relevant Q&A: Can you switch to the other Unarmored Defense by multiclassing?