[RPG] Is making characters who go off the rails unlucky a good technique for keeping the plot moving


I will soon be the GM of a 4 players party. It will be my very first game as a GM, and one thing that terrifies me is to let players make the choices they want and lose them far away from the plot.

I read How to recover when players go the "wrong" way? and I found it very useful. It made me think of a technique to keep players on the right way, but I feel it could be frustrating or punishing, which I don't want it to be.

Here's what I thought: could I make the PCs unlucky if they aren't following the plot?

One example would be falling in the mud. Another example would be to never succeed in your task (like a mage that definitely can't make that awesome potion no matter what he tries, and can't figure out why). I feel like I would be punishing them, and in the same time, it could give them hints to stay in the plot. Is it something I could try?

Best Answer


Roleplay should be about having fun. When you start to punish your players, it is very possible that they will quit your campaign. Even if your players are doing it just to pull your leg, you shouldn't make the game painful as noone will enjoy it.

I would reccomend following options:

  • Speak with them face to face after the game.

It happens, that friends tend to talk about other things or fool around. It is fine, but they should not overdo it. Explain them that you have spent some time on preperations and it is a little crass of them. If it does not help it may be hard, but you should probably look for properly brought up people who respect each other a little more.

  • Reward them for following the plot.

Give them something that will be really useful in nondistant future.

  • Give them a slight hint.

Sometimes player get lost even with simple information. They might overinterpret. Be more or less direct, depending on for how long are they stuck. E.g. a player found some markings on a wall, but they have no clue it could be a message. On the same day they "accidentally" meet two mute people who use sign language. Impressed that simple gesture could mean a variety of things, they resemble something something familiar in it...

  • Make sure that you did not mess something up, if you did fix it.

It happens, that we GM's also make mistakes. Be disposed to apologise and correct your mistakes.