DND-5E – Tips for Starting a Group with 5 Newbie Players and DM


Some friends and I want to start playing D&D (5e), but none of us, DM included (not me) have played before to any great extent. The DM and I have some cursory experience with 4e, but have never been able to play to any great extent. Is this advisable, or should we play with existing groups first? We live in a relatively remote area, making it hard to find experienced players.

Best Answer

I had a quick look around because I felt sure this would have been asked before but I can't find anything that would qualify as a duplicate.

Short answer - go for it.

I started playing in 1980 with a group of friends none of whom had ever seen or heard of a game anything like D&D. We made it up as we went along, had lots of fun and some of us still do. Oh, and there was no internet with sites like this one!

Its your game - you can't play it wrong!

Read the rules, make an adventure or buy the Starter Set, play it, do things wrong, realise you did them wrong, work out if you like your wrong way better than the official right way, decide how you will play them in the future, check that you are having fun, if so, keep going.

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