[RPG] Is the CR correct for this Elementalphant monster


So I made a monster for D&D 5e. It's a multi-elemental elephant called the Elementalphant and its CR comes out to be about 8-9, but that kinda seems low. If I were to throw it against my party of six level 5's it would destroy them in only a few turns, without taking much damage. Here are all of its stats:

  • HP 178 (20d12+48)

  • AC 16

  • Resistance to fire, acid, lightning, cold

  • Immune to poison

  • Move speed 40ft, fly 20ft

  • Gore +7 to hit 3d8+7 piercing + 1d6 lightning

  • stomp +7 to hit 3d10+7 bludgeon + 1d6 force, only on prone targets

  • fire breath 30ft(from mouth) dc 16 dex save 10d8 fire 5~6 recharge

  • cold breath 30ft (from trunk) dc 16 dex save 10d8 cold 5~6 recharge

  • lightning "breath" 120ft line (from tusks) dc 16 dex save 10d8 lightning 5~6 recharge

  • Multi attack Gore x2

  • Acidic blood: when slashing damage is dealt to this creature a small spray (5ft) of blood deals 1d6 acid.

  • Trampling charge: if this creature moves 20ft in a straight line then uses Gore target creature needs to make a dc 16 str save or be knocked prone, stomp can then be used as a bonus action.

  • Quaking stride: if a creature is within 10ft when this creature moves they must make dc 13 dex save or be knocked prone.

So what should be its CR? I want to throw this monster at my players, but I don't want to wipe them out and I want to give them a fair amount of XP when they do eventually kill it.

Best Answer

You are quoting expected CR - the final CR is much higher.

On base hp 178 × 1.5 for immunities gives 262 - so defensive CR 13. Expected AC is 18, so an AC of 16 gives no adjustment.

Expected damage per round (~45-55) from its breath weapons (3 with a 1/3 recharge chance - it will have one every round) plus some acid blood splash against 1 PC - assume it can hit 2, so 90-110 or Offensive CR 16. This is an "effects" monster so any adjustment to this should be on its save DC which is 16 instead of the recommended 18 so no change there.

Averaging and rounding up gives a CR 15.

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