[RPG] Is the Mordenkainen’s Sword spell underpowered


The Mordenkainen's Sword spell seems to be under-powered for a 7th-level spell. It only does 3d10 damage; while admittedly it can do this damage every round for 1 minute, it still just seems to not be that much damage for a spell of its level.

Is it just me or is it not a very good spell, compared to other 7th-level spells?

Best Answer

Mordenkainen's sword isn't underpowered - it's terrible

It's bad for a concentration spell

At any given level, the spell you chose for concentration should be one designed to "win" that encounter. When you first gain 7th-level spells as a 13th level wizard or bard, you have tons of concentration spells to chose from.

  • First, Mordenkainen's sword for comparison. Deal 33 damage to one target on round one, then 16.5 "for free" on later rounds.
  • Reverse gravity is no-save-just-suck for a massive 50' radius. An enemy that saves is stuck holding on. Melee enemies without flight are screwed.
  • The 6th-level Otto's irresistible dance is no-save-just-dance, unless the target is immune to charm. Even a creature with legendary resistances wastes its next action regaining control of itself.
  • The 5th-level wall of force is no-save-just-wait for most Huge or smaller creatures. Unless they have misty step or similar, they wait while you kill their friends.
  • The 5th-level Bigby's hand deals 18 damage per round, also with a bonus action. It deals 36 damage per round upcast to 7th-level. It can also grapple, push, and provide cover.

(Bards can only learn reverse gravity, wall of force, and Bigby's hand via Magical Secrets.)

I think it's important to highlight how much better Bigby's hand is than Mordenkainen's sword. In my experience, most fights in 5e last around 3 rounds. For this calculation, I will assume all attacks hit.

  • Bigby's hand at 5th-level over 3 rounds: 54 damage.
  • Mordenkainen's sword at 7th-level over 3 rounds: 66 damage.
  • Bigby's hand at 7th-level over 3 rounds: 108 damage (!).

It's bad for a non-concentration spell

In the earlier list, I only ran through concentration spells. What about non-concentration spells?

  • Crown of stars deals 78 damage over 3 rounds - more than the sword and it doesn't require concentration. It also lasts for 1 hour, so you can precast it.
  • Forcecage is the evolution of wall of force. No-save-just-wait for most creatures. It even makes teleporting out difficult.
  • The 6th-level mass suggestion is save-or-take-the-day-off for 12 creatures not immune to charm.
  • The 5th-level steel wind strike deals 33 damage to 5 creatures in one round.

(Bards can only learn crown of stars and steel wind strike via Magical Secrets.)


Mordenkainen's sword isn't just underpowered, it's brokenly bad. In nearly all situations, I would rather spend concentration on a 3rd-level hypnotic pattern than Mordenkainen's sword. The sword would be underpowered as a 5th-level spell, much less 7th.

Want to win most encounters? Pick a control spell. Want to deal a bunch of damage? Pick Bigby's hand or steel wind strike. Whatever you do, don't pick Mordenkainen's sword.