[RPG] Is this homebrew Druid’s Staff of Thorns appropriate for a level 3 Druid


I'm new to D&D and have been running the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure for my wife. She is playing a Druid and I'm playing a DMPC Barbarian. I wanted to make a staff for her so she can keep a bit of distance from battle.

I was wondering if this is an okay weapon for a level 3 Druid to use. I was planning on creating a quest for her to get it, or having a Magic Merchant come along who sells it for 100 gold.

Druid's Staff of Thorns

Staff (requires attunement by a druid)

This staff is created by imbuing a branch with nature's power and molding its shape while the branch grows. Using the magic of the attuned druid, the staff grows 6-inch-long thorns. The staff has 8 charges; it regains 1d4 + 1 charges when you finish a short rest, and 1d8 + 1 charges when you finish a long rest.

You can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and fire a spike from the staff at a target within 20 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. If it hits, the target takes 1d8 + 1 piercing damage.

Best Answer

Too Many Charges

The damage output of the staff (1d8+1) approximates the Warlock's Eldritch Blast (1d10) which is a cantrip and the Warlock's most frequent means of dealing damage. For the Warlock this is ok because she has a limited set of spells and abilities to choose from, however, the Druid has way more. E.g., at level 3 the Druid can cast 6 spells in total while the Warlock can cast only 2. Not to mention that the druid is more versatile (Wild Shape) and tankier. The fact that the staff can be recharged during short and long rests makes this worse1.

I don't know what's the style of your campaign (i.e., how often your party battles) but by allowing so many charges you basically change the complexion of the Druid. Now she can stand 20 ft away and spam her staff.

My Recommendation

(edited based on @Revolver_Ocelot's comment)

Druid's Staff of Thorns

This staff is created by imbuing a branch with nature's power and molding its shape while the branch grows. Using the magic of the attuned druid the staff grows 6-inch thorns. The user can use their Action to fire a spike from the staff. Make a ranged spell Attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8+1 piercing damage. The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach the 5th level (2d8+1), 11th level (3d8+1), and 17th level (4d8+1).

Charges: 3 per day

Range: 30 ft

You can change the range from 30 ft to 60 ft if you want.

1 Eldritch Blast has a radius of 120 ft while this spell has a radius of only 20 ft. However, the Warlock is a lot squishier while the Druid a lot tankier (especially a Circle of a Moon Druid) and more versatile so I think that the comparison is fair to make (but most likely there are better spells/abilities to compare this to).

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